Returning a unit for repair

We offer repair services in order to get your power supply in the best shape again. On this page, we will guide you through our repair process. Our distributors are available to assist you or manage the entire process on your behalf.

To send a unit for repair, we kindly ask you to fill out the RMA form at the bottom of the page. When the form is filled out successfully, you will receive a unique RMA-number that identifies the repair process of your unit. Then, our trained technicians will have a look at the unit and will estimate the costs and will eventually repair the unit with your permission. 


  1. Complete the RMA form below.
  2. Receive a confirmation email with your RMA-number.
  3. Ship the unit to Delta Elektronika (address below).
  4. We inspect the unit and send you a repair quotation.
  5. Upon approval, we proceed with the repair.
  6. The repaired unit is shipped back to the address you provided.


  1. RMA Form:
    Fill out the form below, providing as much detail as possible. You may upload additional documents or photos to clarify the issue. Please use a separate form for each product being returned.

  2. Packaging & Shipping:

    1. Use original packaging or a suitable alternative to prevent damage. Delta Elektronika is not liable for damage during transport.
    2. Clearly mark your RMA-number on the package.
    3. Remove any cords, test leads, or covers before shipping.
    4. Ship to:
      Delta Elektronika B.V.
      Attn. Repair Department
      Vissersdijk 4
      4301 ND Zierikzee
      The Netherlands
  3. Approval:
    Monitor your email for the repair estimate. Repair will only proceed after you approve the costs.

Default settings

Repaired units will be returned with the latest firmware version and default factory settings.

End of Service

When filling in the RMA submission form, a quick check will be done to verify whether your power supply is still serviceable. If not, please do not send it for service.

Terms and Conditions

We may reject units for the following reasons:

  • Insufficient Packaging: Units not properly packaged for transit may be refused.
  • Contamination: Units contaminated with conducting substances, inside or out, will not be accepted. Please clean units before sending.
  • Service Fee: A fee applies for evaluation and handling if the repair isn't approved.
  • Health & Safety Risks: Units exposing our team to hazardous materials (e.g., acid or filth) may be refused.

RMA form

Details about the failed product

Contact information

Address for product return

Problem description